I started using the Lush cleansers about a year ago. Now being the grand old age of 26 I should have had a regular skincare routine for years. But naughty old me didn't reallly think it was important. I've always had reasonably good skin anyway, although I do seem to get spots off and on. Anyway, I decided to seek out some help for my occassional spots, and on the search I came across these things called cleansers. Yes, I do realise for someone who was 24ish that it is a little ridiculous not knowing what a cleanser is! That aside, I started using a Clinique one but I didn't feel like it did anything for me.
What attracted me to it at first is the smell! It has a gorgeous warm honey/a hint of cinnamon smell. It's really lovely. The unusual thing is that the cleanser contains whole pieces of popcorn! You do have to pick these out, and frankly I would prefer the cleanser without it. So this is how I find the cleanser works best for me -
1. I scoop out a small piece (about the size of a 10p) of cleanser and keep it on my fingers.
3. Rub the cleanser all over your face, avoiding the eyes.
4. Rinse off with water. I normally do this in the shower so that I have had a chance to leave it on for a few minutes.
And that's it! I don't use this every single day as I have other products that I use, but when I do use it, it feels like a treat! Have I noticed any noticable improvements in my skin? It always feels softer after I have used it. Unfortunately I still get spots but I treat those with other products. The point is that I enjoy using this product and it is one of the nicer skin care products out there.
Well if anyone is reading, well done for getting to the end of an incredibly long rambly blog post!
Apologies for the weird lighting - it looks like I have one brown eye and one blue! Plus the spots, urgh. I'm only human!
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