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Tuesday, 2 June 2015

My gym routine


So after buying a new gym outfit last week I decided to take some pictures in it while the weather was nice! Underneath these pictures I'm going to talk a little bit about my gym routine, which has really helped me loose weight and become more fit.

On a typical week I go to the gym on a Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Occassionally I manage to go on a Saturday as well, but it depends on what I'm doing that weekend. I try to vary my gym routine as sticking to the same exercises doesn't help your body - you become used to them and they become less effective. However, I do have some machines I prefer over others, and tend to use these more often. 

The first machine I always try and use is the adaptive stepper. It is like a cross trainer but I find it works my arms much more. The only problem is, there are only 2 of these in my gym (one of which is incredibly squeaky) so I can't always get on it. I always try to do between 200-300 calories on here which takes between 20-30 minutes. I probably shouldn't count the exercise I have done in calories but that's how I started doing it when I wanted to loose weight and now I can't help it! I then go on either the rowing machine, treadmill or cross trainer and do another 100 calories. I used to do 500 calories in an hour, but that was simply doing cardio. These days I manage between 300-400 because I now do weights and stretches too. So after 45 mins of cardio, I do weights on my arms and sometimes legs. I have developed very tiny arm muscles! I finish by doing crunches and stretches, but I am usually knackered by this point, especially if I have run on the treadmill.

Sometimes I leave the gym feeling like I've had a good workout, and other times I feel like I could have done more. I do get quite bored at the gym and rely on listening to music to pass the time. I also spend a lot of time thinking about life and work. I am going to continue with my gym routine for as long as I am able/willing to! I was never the most active person and I don't always enjoy exercise, but I am glad I go to the gym and feel overall more healthy than I did 2 years ago.

Greta xx

P.S. I've decided to change my blog font to something my eyes prefer to read! I hope other agree :)

The adaptive stepper, my favourite machine!

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